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    放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2024-10-19 02:49:47   浏览次数:1  发布人:6705****  IP:124.223.189***  评论:0

    岁岁重阳,今又重阳。2024 年 10 月 10 日,在这个特殊的日子里,二中校园内弥漫着浓浓的温情。十点的钟声敲响,一场重阳茶话会拉开了帷幕,话语激昂,振奋人心。唐校长激情澎湃地讲述着二中的跨越发展,让大家仿佛看到了二中一路拼搏奋进的壮丽画卷;闫辉校长情寄二中,那真挚的话语如同一股暖流,流淌在每个人心间;梅东波校长居安思危的发言,引发大家深刻的思考。还有在这个美好的日子里,周俊良老师耐心地为离退

          岁岁重阳,今又重阳。2024 年 10 月 10 日,在这个特殊的日子里,二中校园内弥漫着浓浓的温情。十点的钟声敲响,一场重阳茶话会拉开了帷幕,话语激昂,振奋人心。唐校长激情澎湃地讲述着二中的跨越发展,让大家仿佛看到了二中一路拼搏奋进的壮丽画卷;闫辉校长情寄二中,那真挚的话语如同一股暖流,流淌在每个人心间;梅东波校长居安思危的发言,引发大家深刻的思考。还有在这个美好的日子里,周俊良老师耐心地为离退休人员解答疑惑。他的脸上洋溢着温暖的笑容,每一个回答都充满着关怀与智慧。






          回顾二中的发展历程,我们见证了它的跨越式发展。如今,二中教职工 200 多人,教学班 40 多个,在校学生 2000 多人,高考本科升学率 91%多,是市同类学校(非优质生源校)第一名。这一成绩的取得,离不开每一位二中人的努力与奉献。



    "Double Ninth Gathering at No. 2 Middle School, Sharing Sentiments of Years" Year after year, the Double Ninth Festival arrives. Today, on October 10, 2024, on this special day, a thick warmth permeates the campus of No. 2 Middle School. As the clock strikes ten, a Double Ninth tea party kicks off. The passionate speeches are inspiring and heartening. Principal Tang vividly recounts the leapfrog development of No. 2 Middle School, making everyone seem to see the magnificent picture of No. 2 Middle School's arduous struggle all the way. Principal Yan Hui's deep affection for No. 2 Middle School. His sincere words are like a warm current flowing in everyone's heart. Principal Mei Dongbo's speech full of a sense of crisis triggers everyone's profound thinking. Also on this beautiful day, Teacher Zhou Junliang patiently answers questions for retired personnel. There is a warm smile on his face, and every answer is full of care and wisdom. At the tea party, the appearance of former leader Secretary Yuan Jun makes everyone seem to return to those passionate years. Secretary Yuan is in high spirits, and there is still the wisdom and firmness of those years shining in his eyes. Enthusiastic service providers such as teachers Shan Changbai, Wen Zhiquan, and Zhang Ziqiang also gather together. Their laughter and joy reverberate in the air, making people feel the calmness and open-mindedness after years of precipitation. Renowned Chinese language teacher Xu Mingsheng, with his erudition and literary talent, has left countless resplendent chapters in the long river of years. Chemistry maestro Teacher Hu Shijing, with his rigor and perseverance, has opened the door to science for countless students. Special-grade politics teacher Yi Xianjin, with his profound insights and noble character, leads students to establish correct outlooks on life and values. Calligrapher Teacher Yang Duosen, between his brush strokes, fully displays the profoundness of Chinese culture. Huxiang painter Teacher Huang Xing uses his paintbrush to depict the colorful life. English tutors Teacher Fan Xuhua and Teacher Lin Lianfang, with their professionalism and enthusiasm, open the window to the world for students. These senior predecessors are all beaming with joy and in high spirits. They are the precious wealth of No. 2 Middle School and also the bright stars of the education cause. The group of goddess teachers in No. 2 Middle School is also extremely eye-catching. Teachers Shu Taoxiang, Yang Yuhua, Yang Jin'e, Gong Hongni, Zhuo Xinhua, Wu Qiankui, Chen Yuxia, and Huang Ling. They were once the goddesses in the hearts of students. We could only look up to them before, and now they are still radiant. Their beauty lies not only in their appearance but also in their love and dedication to the education cause. At the same time, I also saw my comrades in adversity, Teachers Yang Guoxin, Wang Xianyin, and Ma Shijun. After a long separation and reunion, there are countless emotions. Those days of struggling together seem like just yesterday. There are also some unfamiliar teachers. However, in the moment of meeting and smiling at each other, we all feel the warmth and kindness of the big family of No. 2 Middle School. It is a little regretful that a large number of outstanding teachers of my age were not seen. Although they have retired, they are still spreading the spirit of No. 2 Middle School and making contributions all over the country. They are like bright stars scattered in every corner of the motherland, illuminating the way forward for countless people. Looking back at the development process of No. 2 Middle School, we have witnessed its leapfrog development. Nowadays, there are more than 200 teaching staff in No. 2 Middle School, more than 40 teaching classes, and more than 2,000 students. The undergraduate enrollment rate of college entrance examinations is over 91%, ranking first among similar schools (non-high-quality student source schools) in the city. The achievement of this result is inseparable from the efforts and contributions of every person in No. 2 Middle School. The care of the school and leaders for retired teachers makes us feel extremely warm. Establishing a WeChat group has given us a brand new and warm home. The annual physical examination reflects the school's concern for the health of retired teachers. Every Double Ninth Festival, we gather at our alma mater and laugh heartily. This care is like a warm current flowing in the hearts of every retired teacher. On this special day, we sincerely wish No. 2 Middle School better and better. May the students of No. 2 Middle School thrive in this fertile soil of knowledge. May the teachers of No. 2 Middle School continue to shine on the road of education. May the future of No. 2 Middle School be even more glorious and splendid! Let us join hands and work hard for the beautiful future of No. 2 Middle School!

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